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Old 04-29-2015, 04:05 PM   #9 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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I think the main reason people get annoyed about social issues, at least when discussed on the internet, is because more often than not advocates on both sides turn to generalizations and demagoguery to get their point across. Instead of a discussion they inevitably become mad libs in the form of "all ______ are _______" where you just fill in the blanks with whatever you want. "All Republicans are out of touch, bible bashing anti-intellectuals" "All Democrats are heartbleeding, latte sipping, European envying anti-Americans" or indeed "All cops are authority abusing racists". All you do with that is completely shutdown any kind of discussion and leave a line in the sand that keeps two sides from ever seeing anything eye-to-eye.

I feel like I should mention that I am using the general version of the word "you", not naming anybody specifically.
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