Originally Posted by Soulflower
I am not expecting for some people to care about minority issues because it is has been this way since slavery. However, lately I have been quite annoyed at the passiveness and disrespect that some people have for minorities who really care about the current racial problems concerning black people. Now I understand everyone doesn't care and won't be on the same page but I personally get irritated when some try to past off these issues as nothing or as things that don't matter. I get irritated when I see this on the internet and even in media depictions. Within the last 5 years, there have been multiple young black men that have been killed and murdered by white people so its alarming that some are shocked at black peoples reactions.
I have always found that to be strange. I know some people don't like to discuss minority issues on this board and that is okay. No one is not making you reply in this thread please don't derail it with foolishness.
Far more young black men have been murdered by other young black men in the past 5 years than have been murdered by white people. The percentages are around 93 percent annually according to FBI, CDC, and BJS records (all of which can be researched online.)