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Old 04-15-2015, 05:47 PM   #9 (permalink)
V8s & 12 Bars
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Alexisonfire, probably 2005? I was 11 years old, first band I ever really got into besides the dad rock my parents were always playing (which eventually became what I primarily listen to now anyway). It was actually a pretty amazing show, very small venue, very energetic performance. Haven't heard a single song from the band in ~8 years, but I remember the concert quite well.

First stadium show was Slayer / Lamb of God / Mastodon / Children of Bodom, when I was 12.
Originally Posted by Bobbycob View Post
There's 3 reason why the Rolling Stones are better. I'm going to list them here. 1. Jimi Hendrix from Rolling Stones was a better guitarist then Jimmy Page 2. The bassist from Rolling Stones isn't dead 3. Rolling Stobes wrote Stairway to Heaven and The Ocean so we all know they are superior here.
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