Music Banter - View Single Post - Why is music so polarizing for so many people?
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Old 04-13-2015, 05:06 PM   #8 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Well first of all your friend should have, in my opinion, asked "Is that all you listen to?" and then made his comment. If I put on Tom Waits and someone says "That's crap! Why don't you listen to something good like Iron Maiden?" I would happily advise them I'm a big fan. Or if they expound on how great classical music is, I listen to that too. My tastes are relatively wide and varied, and for someone (esp someone I knew for a long time) to denigrate my musical taste on the basis of one artist is I think being very narrow-minded.

Of course, the other response could have been "Well what do YOU listen to?" and start a discussion about that. I think a lot of it stems from a misguided belief among people that their music is superior and this certainly holds true if you can point to a band/artiste reviled generally, such as Nickelback, Slipknot or Taylor Swift etc. I get a lot of stick for loving Bon Jovi: doesn't bother me. Many of my friends are not into my music but it doesn't stop us being friends. If someone is going to get the hump over something as small as that, you probably need to address it with them and say something like "Is it that important? Are we gonna fall out over Linkin ****ing Park?"
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