Music Banter - View Single Post - What's Missing in Country Music Today?
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Old 04-10-2015, 05:46 PM   #5 (permalink)
V8s & 12 Bars
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Like blues, and bluegrass, country is a very rigid genre that isn't as open and friendly to stylistic experimentation as some genres are. You take one step outside of the box and you become "Alt Country or Americana". So under the "country music" flag you end up with endless numbers of tunes entirely built on rehashing past writing styles. This of course applies to many other types of music but it's the reason long lasting genres like blues, country, bluegrass, or even a lot of metal genres get labelled as boring and repetitive. Unless you really jive with the "country music" sound, and there are a lot of people that do, you're going to start looking elsewhere for sounds you do enjoy.

I think if you asked old country music fans what modern country music is missing they'd probably say "grit and honesty". Most commercial country music stars I've seen come across as pretty glammed up. The old legends like Willie Nelson or Hank Williams were hard as nails bad mother****ers.
Originally Posted by Bobbycob View Post
There's 3 reason why the Rolling Stones are better. I'm going to list them here. 1. Jimi Hendrix from Rolling Stones was a better guitarist then Jimmy Page 2. The bassist from Rolling Stones isn't dead 3. Rolling Stobes wrote Stairway to Heaven and The Ocean so we all know they are superior here.
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