So, after Xurtio brought up
Chaos Magick, I got to looking at it and
Discordianism -- and I'm an old hand at the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the
Invisible Pink Unicorn -- and now I feel like being a dumbass and claiming to worship the Norse gods. Anyone want in?
All you have to do is drop things like, "By Odin's beard!" or "Praise Thor" or start calling trolls frost giants instead. We can trick n00bs into believing that we're legitimate Odinists, argue for Norse paganism when people are trying to have serious debates about religion (once any useful conversation has been exhausted of course; no need to ruin the forum), and claim to have pagan altars in our bathrooms and clandestine meetings between members. Maybe change our titles to something Viking specific or add something to our signatures or start a new forum group.
I'm just spitballing here. Assuming this takes off at all, I'm sure it will last only so long as we can keep it amusing, so coming up with new nonsense is a must. Pointless schisms and demands for excommunication are encouraged. We are also at war with Christianity since they stole our culture. Roxy is therefore to be shunned.
Oh, and since this is my idea, I declare myself the High Priest of the Music Banter Sect of Asatru. Briks will be my assistant and mead bearer.
All praise due to the All-Father.