Music Banter - View Single Post - Psychlub 15: "The United States of America" - The United States of America (1968)
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Old 03-31-2015, 02:17 PM   #3 (permalink)
Remember the underscore
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What were your impressions of this album after the first five minutes?

Deliciously weird.

Did those first impressions change as you listened to the album?

Not really.

Were the opening 2-3 tracks or the closing 2-3 tracks stronger?

Since the opener was my favourite track, I'll pick the former.

Did you find you enjoyed this album more or less on repeated listens?

It's really grown on me over time.

What was your favourite track?

"The American Metaphysical Circus".

What was your least favourite track?

I like every single one.

What did you think of the variety of tracks presented?

You've got everything from avant-garde to Dixieland, as Psy-Fi mentioned.

How would you describe the overall mood?

Weird, sort of like being in a storm where the wind is constantly changing and different things keep falling out of the sky.

Would you listen to it again for purposes other than this club?

Already have.

How well do you know this band/artist?

This is their only album.

If you're familiar with this band/artist, how does this album compare to their other work?


How would you improve this album?

I wouldn't.

Would you recommend this album to a friend?

I already have.

Will you be exploring this band/artists' other material?


What did you think of the vocals?

Better than most other '60s psych albums.

What did you think of the instrumentation?

This is my favourite thing about the album. You've got such a wide variety of instruments, from calliope to horns.

What did you think of the production?


Any other thoughts to share?

This is probably one of my top ten favourite '60s albums.

Rate the album out of ten. No decimals!

9/10, simply because I don't believe in 10/10s.
Everybody's dying just to get the disease
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