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Old 03-29-2015, 05:34 AM   #435 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post

Obviously not enough as it was 'girl' and not 'girlfriend'.
[pedant]Now I know how people feel about me pointing out little errors! [/pedant]

Well its the perfect example of an American new wave record at that time along with the likes of Blondie, the Knack, Television and Devo. Some of those bands leaned more towards punk and other more to electronic music and the Cars I'd say were smack bang in the middle of those two styles. Now a Flock of Seagulls I'd put as a 'second wave new-wave' band as they came along later. But I can see the AOR appeal as it fits into with what an AOR fan would like to hear on an album.
It was a surprise to me, as I always considered the cars AOr or even pop/rock. I guess I don't know enough about New Wave...

The album cover is iconic Cars and the type of album cover that they wanted, it displays the playful fun of the band for this album, even though they were always a band of darker undertones.
Unlike many of The Cars' album covers, the cover for The Cars was designed by the record company, rather than drummer David Robinson.[2] The cover was not well liked by the members of the band, however.[2] Robinson said, "I thought that when the Elektra came out it was way too slick. The pictures of us I didn't like."[2] Guitarist Elliot Easton expressed dislike for "that big grinning face," saying, "Man, I got tired of that cover."
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