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Old 03-25-2015, 08:54 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2015
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Default Graham Preskett - Help

Ok, so for a good few years now I've been searching for a song that I stumbled across one fine day browsing YouTube. It was up for a few weeks before being taken down. Ever since I've been looking all over Google for it. There is no mp3 recording that I can find. Only buying the Vinyl online. I'd be grateful if anyone had it for me to listen to. Oh It would help if I explained what it was. I have no idea what genre to class it as, but it's very much close to Classical. The piece s called "A Fifth Season" by Graham Preskett. After doing some digging I found out it was used as a UK Channel 4 broadcasting title card/break. It's under an album called Classic Manoeuvres under the label Themes International. I'd greatly appreciate anyone's help with this, honestly.
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