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Old 03-23-2015, 11:28 AM   #55 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Providence
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
This thread piqued my interest and I started watching those Wall of Death and huge circle pit videos on YouTube. I love heavy metal but I hate moshing. I used to enjoy slam dancing at hard core punk shows but now I think it just ruins everything. Especially with these idiotic bands that won't use the stage in small venues. Great, I can't see the band unless I want to risk some meathead cracking my skull. Then there's a band like Lightning Bolt complaining the fans aren't giving them room. Yes, people push in because that's why they're there to see the show. So use this convenient little invention called a "stage". It helps people see the "show". I know you want to be equalitarianism and not higher than us peons but guess what? The only ones who can see you are the most gigantic meatheads flinging their arms around and knocking people over. See how that doesn't work??? And God at those huge metal shows even far from the stage people mosh? Good grief. I'd rather just metal out at home than put up with that garbage.
Lightning Bolt's shtick worked for their first ten years or so. Seeing them in a crowd of 50 people or so was amazing. Obviously it stopped working at some point, so they play on the stage at larger shows now.
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