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Old 03-17-2015, 11:13 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Machine View Post
Dude your photos you post to Facebook have gotten me into starting to take pictures, so I might rip this journal off a bit in my own if you don't mind. Also subbed because these pictures are awesome.
No I don't mind at all man, I'm honoured to have inspired you.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Wow. Great stuff. That plywood pic is beautiful and creepy at the same time.
Ja, texture photos have a lot of variety. If you look closely it you can make out a faint demon child thing in that pic.

Album Artwork Series Part 2: Jesus the Carpenter


This picture was also taken from the hillside letter (from this point will be referred to as "the P"). It was taken at night and I took a high zoom photo of the city lights down below.

The Gnashing of the Teeth

This was also taken at the tunnel, so you can probably guess at this point what I go down there to do for inspiration. After getting the photo for A Van Per Oven, I played with camera movement to blur lines and this one really stuck out to me.

Jesus the Carpenter

I felt the urge to release an album of some of the random tracks that I was holding onto, but didn't have a picture yet. So I trolled around campus, trying to find things that could easily be abstracted when I came across a statue of Martin Luther at my school, which looks like this (photo not mine):

A little history on the statue. When they give you the tour of the campus they say that the statue signifies Martin Luther's influence on the Christian world or something like that but they're full of shit. I used to be neighbours with the sister of the sculptor who built it, and both are children of some of the school's founders (they helped spark my interest in the school). When I met the sculptor, who's now a CEO for Chevron, our conversation came to the sculpture. When he built this he was in his twenties during the 60s, and he was doing what all of the other young people at the time were doing: drugs. He said he was out of his mind on speed and LSD at the time, and was commissioned the piece because his dad was worried about him. I like to pull this bit of trivia and interrupt campus tours to tell it to prospective students. They usually make that part of the trip short when I'm around now.

Anyway, the concrete rise that the statue stands on has a lot of rot and deterioration, so I took a close shot of one of the more interesting sections and messed with it until it looked even better.

Thunder Music

Upon waking one day, I was somehow conscious enough through the fog of my hangover to notice how cool the shadows on my wall looked. They were shining in through the window, the lines were formed by my blinds and the other figure was made by a tree that's right outside my window. I snapped it and went back to sleep.

Obtuse Psycotria

I've already detailed the source of this picture in my analysis of the album in Stuck on a Frownapilago, but I'll run through it again. I was waiting on the train to go to a friend's house and it wasn't scheduled to come for about twenty minutes, so I had time to wander around and smoke a cigarette. I saw this area with the spare rails that were flooded in the recent rains through the fence. I took the photo, but then tried to get another without the chainlink in the way by hopping the fence and getting one from the other side. The original looked better, so I stuck with that after adding some blue hues to it and intensifying the contrast.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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