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Old 03-17-2015, 06:37 AM   #936 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ki View Post
To answer your question from before, I have lost people close to me. However, I didn't think much of it after a day or two. I came to the acceptance that they were gone and that was it.
Have to say I don't understand that. My mother died almost 25 years ago, my best friend about thirty, I still miss them like hell. Of course time heals but I can't see any way I would "get over" a significant death in 1-4 days. Just does not happen, not to me, and not to I think most people. I hope it works for you Ki but I do wonder when it's someone closer how easily that will pass for you. Hopefully it'll be a long time before you have to find out.

All that said, I still think posting four years after the event without qualifying the time elapsed is a little disingenuous. Definitely made me feel like it was a recent passing. Not that I'd have any less sympathy in the case of its being a longer time, but immediate loss does tend to elicit more of a reaction in terms of sympathy.
Originally Posted by Justthefacts View Post
My condolences.
Don't waste your sympathy on him: he's the ****er who killed him!
Originally Posted by Ki View Post
I don't see how there's a difference. If someone close to me has died, I accept it and move on. I've never seen a reason to keep that moment in mind 4 years after it happened. I have no way of fixing it, so accepting it is the only other option.
There is a difference, man, and some day it may all become clear to you. Death is not something you just get over like that. It takes years, and even now it can bring tears in the right (?) circumstances...
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