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Old 03-17-2015, 06:18 AM   #1802 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You have GOT to do a video where you play the baddest blackest metal solo on that thing! Refusal is simply not an option.

It's so good, people are speechless. Eighty eight views and not one reply.

Here's my actual review on FB, after posting about resisting the urge to take it out of it's packaging:

Update: I played it for a few hours, just to make sure the strings would hold up under extreme conditions (because you know how Bri Bri likes to rock it like Pete Townsend), and after the initial string stretching, I found that it actually held it's tuning through some pretty aggressive paces. I was fairly impressed with it and literally couldn't put it down. At one point I was even considering going back to the store to buy another one for myself. The tones were warm, there was no fret buzz, and the intonation wasn't terrible, like I thought it might be. My captive audience, which consisted of Thomas <snip> and Patrick <snip>, were too awestruck (read laughing hysterically) to grab some video, but I did manage to exercise all the bad mojo out of it and instill some good mojo into it, and then promptly put it back in it's box and sent it off with Jeanette <snip> for the final stages of packaging. I seriously enjoyed setting it up, and making sure things were in their proper places, and I hope it brings Brianna many years of joy and musical wonderment.
Here's Brianna opening it for her B-Day:

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