Originally Posted by Ki
I don't see a reason why someone needs to post about someone who died 4 years ago. If someone can't come to terms with someone's death in 4 years, then yes, that is a bit ridiculous. I never said you can't miss someone, but seeing as this is the RIP thread, i'd imagine it's for people to post about people who have recently just passed, unless I've been mistaken this entire time. Recent passes is what this thread has been used for.
It wasn't just SOMEONE for Christ's sake it was the poor girls mother. Dulce simply stated her mom died a few years ago, clearly worth talking about still, seems like she'll never truly be whole again and it's seriously tragic. Where else is she gonna feel comfortable letting all of us know such rich, personal information? Huh?
Albums you're digging? This thread doesn't appear to be limited to just recent passings. Four years from now, I have no doubt I'll still be relaying my sadness about my brother being gone. And no, not for anyone's f
ucking sympathy or attention. I already have enough of that.