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Old 03-16-2015, 03:32 PM   #910 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I think the problem is the way it was worded originally, made it look like it had happened recently, which was how I took it. If that wasn't intended (and I'm not saying it was) then something like "it's been four years since my mum died" or something would have avoided any confusion.

Or I could just have registered what I was reading. But still, the initial post made it look like It was a recent event. Doesn't mean she doesn't deserve sympathy of course, but it's kind of a little like me posting my mother died in 1991. Like, why bring that up now, is what I'm asking? I can be sure that if I posted "My mother died" I'd have a flood of sympathy from people who would have perhaps thought I meant it had only just happened, but I would not do that.
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