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Old 03-05-2015, 09:19 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default WTF Entries

HELP US O EUROVISION GODS. Why do these songs exist?

Not sure why his voice sounds like a woman's? Also it sounds super familiar, as if I've heard the song before somehow? In any case there's no way that the song I have heard that sounds like this song is anywhere near as bad as this is.

WHY. Just WHY. To be fair, Moldova had shit entries in its National Final anyway, but this is one of the worst possible outcomes. We all suspect votes were rigged somehow. The guy isn't even Moldovan. He's just a twat in a baseball cap.

Moving on...

Despite a great lineup with lots of interesting/entertaining/catchy beats, Finland chose the politically correct route this year (and also called back to its days of Lordi fame) and decided to send Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät with Aina Mun Pitää. I have no idea how/why this happened, but the public voted, and this was a thing apparently. Any Finnish person on MB able to weigh in on this? On the one hand I think their cause is noble but this is such a bad idea....

The crowd roars!!

Ah yes, let's not forget Italy. In a stirring callback to our earlier Eurovision days, Italy is going all-out retro this year. I mean, his voice is pleasant, the language is lovely, and the song isn't half bad. But honestly, WTF?

Very curious how this one will do in the contest. I want to say bottom three, but it's too early, really. The buildup is fun. The hipster glasses are a nice touch. The chorus is memorable. WHO KNOWS maybe it'll win. I'll still be staring at the stage like "WTF"?
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