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Old 03-05-2015, 05:34 AM   #3 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Delighted that you're getting to live your dream, Miss p, and I hope you have a great time. Will you be reporting live here on the events? I'm not a fan of EuroV but to be honest I may follow it if you're reporting.

One question though: I'm confused. How are you so excited about it and want to go if the first sentence in your OP is true? If it's that boring and predictable why are you (presumably) spending a lot of money to get there? The use of the word "reluctant" in the OP bothers me. Do you feel you have an obligation to do this, even if you don't enjoy it? Or are you going on behalf of your job or something?

Hope we get to see you on the telly. If so, wave!
Anyway best of luck and I hope you have a fantastic time. Nice to know you're just that little bit closer...
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