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Old 03-04-2015, 02:47 PM   #1353 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: The Black Country
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Enjoyed that. Glad I grew up when I did. Did a lot of the stuff there.

When we were off school we would be out all day doing not a lot, whereas now (got younger cousins) they're just in most of the time on the iPad or Twatter. I don't see many kids playing football in the street now really either whereas we'd be at it from 10am to about 6pm in the holidays.

Remember the first day I went out on my bike, went too fast round a corner into a railing and smashed my bollocks off the frame <<<

Porn as well thinking about it, imagine being 12/13/14 now with porn everywhere on the internet. To see porn at that age you probably had to hide some porn magazines up your top that you found in a bush or nick it from a shop on the way back from school. Back in the day you had to work for your wanks.
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