Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
That's too bad. So far I think a lot of the beats are quintessentially BBNG, re: hella groovy, did they all just fall flat for you? However, I will say that the more I hear I am inclined to agree that it seems really unfocused/uncohesive for a Ghostface album, which they seem to try make up for by making a lot of the beats sound the same (Six Degrees and Street Knowledge being the example that comes to mind). God and Doom's verse on Ray Gun is painful.
That said though, I'm about 2/3rds of the way through and am ultimately not discouraged.
I think what didn't work for me was that BBNG never sounded like BBNG, they just sounded like some studio musicians hired to come in and lay down some live instruments for Ghostface, who himself didn't feel like doing much work either. I can't remember a single song where they were aloud to just go off into some weird little jazz tangent, and while their last album certainly felt more restrained compared to their earlier work, this just felt downright textbook.