Music Banter - View Single Post - Nevermind, let's talk about the same handful of bands that suck ad nauseum
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Old 12-15-2005, 06:33 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
Im not gonna cut you any slack. If you're going to diss a band give an honest reason instead of "dumb" and the thing about blink is at least ninty percent of the people who hate them dont hate them. They just pick on them cause they're easy to pick on, most people i know like at least one song if not more. Besides they're just as influencial as tons of classic rock bands.
err... O.k. Well I hate the name. I hate the singer. I hate the guitarist. The drummer is good but i still hate him. All their songs are about the same thing with a summer them to it. Their music videos are jokes (literaly). Plainly, my brother has one of the albums. Heard it and I thought none of the songs sounded that good at all except for their singles cause they are somewhat catchy. Besides Blink-182? Odd name.
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