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Old 12-15-2005, 03:29 AM   #4 (permalink)
David Frost
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 872

keys can be tricky, i find the old stereo chorus amps that peavy made work well for alot of keyboards and give it a natural sound in the mix, without the keys sounding to upfront behind the somewhat muffled signal of a guitar/bass/ drums... only high end roland stuff is good for keys, we also ran our keyboard rig out of a fender passport PA, which is a 4 channel, it worked really well, especially because of the stands, which help with the room sound a good deal. amps... you need to be more specific, what you are looking for for sound, for price range, tubed, solid state... stuff like that. a head can make or break a band... cabinets for a starting band you can get away with most anything, but if you get a cabinet with **** speakers in it, it doesnt cost much to restock it with good speakers (celestions.. etc..)

ebay, those are seriously the only places to get stuff at a good price. guitar shops suck for prices for the most part.
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