Music Banter - View Single Post - Psychlub 12: "Early Recordings / Hello the Mellow Man" - Fantastic Palace
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Old 02-21-2015, 06:36 AM   #4 (permalink)
Aficionado of Fine Filth
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What were your impressions of this album after the first five minutes?

Lo-Fi avant-garde rock with psychedelic undertones throughout the album.

Did those first impressions change as you listened to the album?


Were the opening 2-3 tracks or the closing 2-3 tracks stronger?

I'll go with the first 2-3 tracks. Mainly because the first track was my favorite on the album.

Did you find you enjoyed this album more or less on repeated listens?

Didn't make a difference either way.

What was your favourite track?

Universe. I thought it sounded similar to the music of 'Kraftwerk'

What was your least favourite track?

Argus the Dwarf. Just didn't interest me in any way.

What did you think of the variety of tracks presented?

There was just enough to keep me interested in listening to the entire album. When these types of lo-fi/demo sounding albums don't have any variety, I usually fast forward and/or bail out after a few tunes.

How would you describe the overall mood?

A 'Residents' influenced acid trip.

Would you listen to it again for purposes other than this club?


How well do you know this band/artist?

Hadn't heard them before this.

If you're familiar with this band/artist, how does this album compare to their other work?


How would you improve this album?

Better production. But that might ruin the vibe.

Would you recommend this album to a friend?

Only if they are already into this type of music. There are other similar bands/artists I'd probably recommend first.

Will you be exploring this band/artists' other material?

I may at some point.

What did you think of the vocals?

Not good (for the few that there were) but that's what I was expecting after hearing the lo-fi production when the album started.

What did you think of the instrumentation?

Average for this type of release.

What did you think of the production?

It had a fairly typical lo-fi 4-track cassette deck sound overall.

Any other thoughts to share?

Some of the tracks sounded interesting but seemed too short. I would've liked to have heard those tracks worked on a bit more and lengthened in time.

Rate the album out of ten. No decimals!

Originally Posted by jwb View Post
A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

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