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Old 02-19-2015, 07:42 AM   #5 (permalink)
Aficionado of Fine Filth
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I've had the best experiences with Southwest Airlines compared to all the others I've flown on over the years, so they got my vote.

As for beauty, I've seen ugliness, blandness, and beauty everywhere I've been. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder (as the saying goes.)

I've been to various parts of England, Scotland, Wales, The Netherlands, Canada, and 38 of the 50 US states and driven across the US from coast to coast and up and down the East Coast from Maine to Florida. All of those places except for Canada, I've visited multiple times. It's a tough call, but if I have to pick only one of those places just for overall natural beauty and breathtaking scenery, I'll go with Scotland. The Scottish countryside and coastline are quite memorable to say the least.
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A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

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