Originally Posted by The Batlord
After all the whining I've been doing in TV thread about the Dexter series finale, I've become curious what else has elicited such emotional responses from people (e.g. from TV, movies, books, music, paintings, etc). Shedding a tear or two doesn't count. If we're talking tears, then you have to have been seriously crying. But I'm also talking about profound rage, actually triggering legitimate depressive/bi-polar cycles, even positive, life-affirming experiences. And you know, etc. All are welcome, but I'm especially interested in responses by those not usually prone to getting emotional over that kind of thing.
Nothing like last night, but when I was a kid I of course had those videos that I would watch over and over again, and one of them was The Land Before Time. Mufasa's death in The Lion King didn't have **** on Littlefoot's mother dying. That killed my every time when I was a tyke. If you can get through this scene without getting choked up even now, then you're a robot.
My favorite childhood film was The Land Before Time. I used to watch that movie all the time with Ah Mah. It was about a baby dinosaur named Littlefoot who had just lost his mother and was journeying through a dangerous world to find the “Great Valley”, a land of prosperity and peace. I remember the feeling of utter sadness I felt during the scene when his mother died, and the triumphant and happy emotions that swept over me when he finally discovered the Great Valley, after going through all the hardship to get there. I watched this movie so many times that just thinking about it brings the emotions back. It was a big part of my childhood.
was just reading this before so it's funny you mention this movie. the quote is from elliot rodger's "my twisted world."
that movie was also one of my favorites as a kid. it was my first dino flick. i'll be honest though it doesn't make me very sad. probably cause it's about dinosaurs
the only movie i can recall making me cry was this one
video lacks subtitles but i assume you can get the gist.