02-18-2015, 04:06 PM
#3 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: detroit
Posts: 2,194
Originally Posted by EPOCH6
I remember back in the day of like 2006 - 2008, when I was in my early teens and going to my first big stadium metal shows like Slayer, Megadeth, Lamb of God and those sort of bands I would look down on the pit from my comfy seats and see that sort of thing happening almost every show. But by the time I had started attending bar metal / punk shows like Ghoul, Toxic Holocaust, Prong, Kreator, Overkill, Golers, White Lung, and countless Vancouver local bands around ~2012 and beyond I never saw it in the pit again, and haven't to this day. I think that kind of moshing was either a trend for a while or is regional to certain scenes or something just seems to allude the shows I go to. Not even 1 guy, it's all normal pits or circle pits around these parts.
But I don't know, it's hard to say. I very rarely go to shows outside of the thrash / punk scene. I've never been to a post hardcore show or anything like that, I'd imagine it's still quite prevalent in that scene. As for my opinion on it, don't really care, if that's how pits are in a particular scene that's how they are, participate or don't.
Yeah I think it was a lot more prevalent in the early to late 2000s. I even used to do some of it, and it was pretty dangerous tbqh! I saw a girl get kicked right in the face once—she got a concussion and had to be taken out on a stretcher. I think it died out because it was dangerous to an extent, and since so many people became disenfranchised or started talking crap about it, I think it basically killed it off. Good riddance.
A mi no me importa nada
Para mi la vida es un sueño