^ Górecki's third is great. I get pretty bored by the third movement, but the first movement is sublime. I also like the second symphony, the Copernican. I feel that it has more balance.
Some Brahms for y'alls.
Johannes Brahms - Symphony No. 4
I generally hate Tchaikovsky's music, but I find the Manfred Symphony entertaining.
Haydn's "Trauer" Symphony, No. 44:
I think I like the minor mode. Anyway, Stravnsky's Symphony of Psalms:
There are many more than that. Mahler's 4th and 5th are high on my list. Dvorak's 8th is good, and one of my favorite moments in music is buried in Schumann's 4th. If we are including tone poems and other pieces that employ symphonic forces (mostly 20th century works), then I'll include Penderecki's The Dream of Jacob, Takemitsu's A Flock Descends Into The Pentagonal Garden, and Bartók's concert suite for The Miraculous Mandarin.
Last edited by Quality Cucumber; 02-17-2015 at 06:10 PM.