Originally Posted by The Batlord
Well if he didn't mean it sexually, then it's not bull**** if he says he didn't mean it sexually. I doubt he was saying that only gay men like art movies, or that only effeminate men like art movies. Sure he was using "faggot" to mean pretentious, but "pretentious" is a specific word, whereas faggot is an inclusive word that implies a more vague negativity--though an old-world dislike/mistrust of "non-manly" things is at least subconsciously implied.
Not justifying it, but demonizing vocabulary is dangerously close to being the thought police, so I prefer to look at it objectively.
Agree to disagree I guess. I just think, for somebody who prides himself on speaking his mind no matter what, that using that word in the way that he did, and then backing off by saying he didn't mean it that way, is bullsh
it. I guess it just comes down to me not knowing why people would use that word for any other reason than what it means, an archaic derogatory word that puts down homosexual people that has no place in our society anymore.
Originally Posted by Ki
Now I think this argument is growing stale considering JWB hasn't said a word in his defense. Probably a good time to just...

Yeah, I can agree to that. Until JWB responds of course. I think it'll be back on then.