Originally Posted by Tom -
Let's cut right to the chase:
I think today's pop music isn't as good as music is supposed to be...
Certainly, not all is bad, but I think it's all just too commercial.
On the other hand, music is just a thing of taste. Nothing is good or bad by definition. If you think it's good and you enjoy it, that it is good for you. I am just more a rock type o' guy..
Now I am curious if you can come up with some pop artists that I should listen and I can really enjoy. Can you name a few?
Thank you for giving me an excuse to post this.
Im not really up to date on modern pop but i do like the pop genre, i like Gaga and Alizee, Kylie minogue, stuff like that.
Of montreal is the only band i know that experiments with rock & electronic music to make incredible pop.
Some over their stuff sometimes goes over my head and it takes me awhile to get the groove but once i do i usually obsess over the song.