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Old 02-13-2015, 09:18 PM   #942 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
I was listening to a Beach Boys "Best Of" recently and I found myself skipping over half of the tracks. I know compilations aren't usually the best way to judge a band (and I like a few of their albums) but damn, they released some worthless crap in their time.
The Beach Boys tend to have a steep learning curve for many people. Hell, it took me about 8 years to get into Pet Sounds. A song like "When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)" might sound like a corny teeny-bopper song on the first few listens, but upon closer inspection there's A LOT more going on in the song than first meets the ear. Some of the chord transitions in there literally send tears down my cheeks.
Stop and find a pretty shell for her
Beach Boys vs Beatles comparisons begin here
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