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Old 02-12-2015, 02:04 PM   #7950 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post

Trollheart - Comes up with many many great ideas on a regular basis and then alienates most of the forum from them by over complicating them with bizarre scoring methods, pointless rules, micromanaging every single little detail and having an aneurysm any time anybody shows any hint of individuality. Why he never worked in a DHSS office is a total mystery to me he'd be perfect for it.
Repeat after me....
"It's just a bit of fun"
"It's just a bit of fun"
"It's just a bit of fun"
"It's just a bit of fun"
"It's just a bit of fun"
"It's just a bit of fun"
Don't quite understand the reference in the bolded bit, but you know, I love my scoring systems! Wait till you see Star Trek Month! It's nice though that in between the criticisms (which I always value, if seldom follow) there's a compliment hidden about my ideas. I could go on about why I use these scoring systems (you're referring to Scrooge and now American Dad v Family Guy, yes?) but in the end I just like to be able to say that I took all possibilities into account and didn't just plump for the thing/person/show/whatever that I liked best. As proven in "Paranoid" v "Black Sabbath", where I was surprised to find my favourite did not win. Science triumphs over personal opinion!

Also, DHSS is the UK but I would not work for the Irish Civil Service: you need to have honours in the Irish language and I never got that. Also, they're a bunch of lazy ****ers. One thing you can hopefully not say about me is that I'm lazy.

Thanks for the mention. You do these so seldom that when you do, they mean much more than those of others who do them regularly and say the same things every time. A lot of thought appears to be put into your posts, as ever, which is perhaps an example a lot of us could follow.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
A few people give good TV in this thread, but it only really gets going when Freebase gets drunk. He was the person to create the thread in the first place after all.
I'm going to guess that stands for "Thread or Troll value", and not, for instance, "Transgender Vagina"?

Trollheart: This isn't so much criticism as it is a plea for you to put yourself first every now and again. I admire your dedication to your sister, and seriously have no understanding of the enormity of your situation, but you seem to refuse to allow yourself to think of your own wants and desires in the face of what she's going through.

I can't imagine how much she is suffering, but that doesn't mean that your sacrificing your career, social life, and independence isn't taking a profound emotional toll that you are perfectly justified in dwelling on. You have more reason to use the Bitch Box than just about anyone on this site, but you never do for your own sake. This is a safe place to exorcise your demons and you shouldn't feel ashamed in expressing them.
Who are you and what have you done with our Batlord? Seriously, I don't bitch about looking after my sis because, 99% of the time, it doesn't bother me. I made a conscious decision to give up work and look after her. That's my decision. Nobody forced me into it and I've accepted all the consequences that come with it.

Anyway, since 2010 things have become a little easier for me and I now have a whole lot more time to write and take part in this forum than I would have were I still working. In addition to this, I was a boring bastard before she got sick, so I haven't really lost anything. There is therefore no real need for me to bitch, as most of the time there is nothing to really bitch about.

But thanks for the thought, seriously.
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