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Old 02-12-2015, 02:04 PM   #7949 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
I don't talk about it for 3 reasons.
1. I find it boring
2. I am boring
3. I find people who's favourite topic of conversation is themselves to be boring.

Also I think people confuse having a moan with having a superior attitude, people bitch about things and people all the time, I'm no different.

I don't know if people make a bigger deal of it because I'm a moderator. I've never hidden behind my mod status. I was exactly the same when I wasn't one and I've only permabanned something like 2 regular members in the 6 or 7 years I've been doing it and even then they were people who were only here a month or two, so it's not like I use this place as a power trip.

If I say there's loads of **** in the lounge it's just a personal opinion, I'm not warning anyone or telling people to sort it out or threatening to ban anyone.
I've said many many times I'm only interested in moderating the actual music parts of the board.

And of course I'm an attention whore, isn't anybody who posts something online?

I'm not seeking validation but i'll take it if given, same goes for notoriety.
I wasn't talking about you as a mod. I think you can be trigger happy with closing threads, but as far as your treatment of actual members goes you're nothing but fair. Given how prickly you can be, I'm often actually surprised that you almost never get involved as a mod in the interpersonal squabbles between members--not that I think you should, as I appreciate that you don't try to control the general atmosphere of the forum. And I certainly never noticed a change in attitude when you became a mod. I was just referencing your tendency to complain about people attention whoring when it's just part of forum life.

You're certainly no Sansa, but you do adopt a superior attitude about yourself in relation to a lot of posters. It would be weird of you to "join in the spamming fun" as it's not your nature, but it's just another form of the attention whoring that you (and we all) likewise engage in. So long as people are also talking about music, then it should be all good. I've certainly been known to slack on the music discussion, while spamming drivel, but I like to think I have my moments of relevance.

All that said, your basic personality as a poster would be missed if you really "toned yourself down" or even left the forum. People might say you have a cult of personality (and you do), but unlike some, you've never taken advantage of your status to mobilize an army of sycophants to dominate the forum. You're too much of an individualist to indulge in that form of ego stroking, which would be far more damaging than just a bit of cane-shaking.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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