Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
Don't know why you'd think that. I go to church a grand total of twice a year, Christmas and Easter. Organized religion doesn't agree with me. And the only reason I'm not into drugs is I've never wanted to get high. I don't do things for the sake of being cool. BTW, I was only homeschooled until Grade 8. Math is a bore--I was a grade ahead, so this year was basically reiteration. And sex-ed was more interesting.
In short, I'm a rebel, but not a sterotype.
Drugs are a great thing to try if only for the experience of an altered state of consciousness. Regular use can often be more about "being cool" for the casual druggie or self-medication for the troubled, but in moderation they can give you an interesting perspective on your "normal" state of mind that you would otherwise never experience. Even weed is good for a bit of self-evaluation. They're not necessarily useful for profound, mind-expanding self-improvement as some would claim, but even just as a bit of fun, drugs are still worth dabbling in.
And you can't say you've never wanted to get high without ever actually having been high. If you don't know what being high is then you're only speaking from ignorance.