If something was deleted here and I didn't see it, then fine, I apologise, but if you're referring to JWB/Chula/WPnfire's posts about WPF's avatar I think you're going over the top here Roxy. I have a feeling they may have mistaken the thread for the "rate your avatar" one, but even if not, it's not like they were spamming, they just had a short exchange of comments. I'm not so sure why that deserves your anger. Sure it's off-topic slightly but then this place is called Music Banter and we can't be serious all the time, as was pointed out to me in no uncertain fashion in the Lovedump thread.
Those posts certainly didn't bother me, though I did think man these guys are in the wrong thread. But they're pretty much accepted members here now, with a lot to say (I have to defend JWB though I'm no fan of his; it's unfair of you to say he has **** to say about **** --- have you read his threads in the political section?) and its not like they spam the forum or derail threads constantly. I don't see the reason for your anger or frustration. A simple "get it back on topic guys" would have been fine as far as I can see.
You recently commented on the state of my knickers, and you may have been right, but I think you need to check your own honey. I love you but this seems a disproportionate reaction to a pretty innocuous few posts.
Again, if I missed something that has been deleted since I was here, I apologise, but all I can see that you could be annoyed about is the "you look like Thor" sequence of posts, and I don't feel they deserve the vitriol you're pouring on them.
As you so often say, chill girl.