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Old 02-04-2015, 08:46 AM   #193 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
I am not aware of what the gender expectations are for where you live, because I don't think there is a gender role for everywhere, anymore - otherwise I would have had no problem finding a job and a mate. I just want to note, that a sex change is more often than not as a result of homosexual bullying,
People who switch genders are as likely to have been bullied or sexually abused in the past as any other percentage of the population. It's a prevalent myth that has no factual basis, much like how many people assume that the majority of prostitutes come from broken and abusive homes, when in reality less than half do.

Originally Posted by crukster View Post
although I don't want to encourage Transvestitism, that's even worse.
How can a sexual preference/lifestyle that is respectful and consensual be deemed "better" or "worse" than any other? It's all just a matter of personal choice, and has nothing to do with morality or character.

Originally Posted by crukster View Post
You'd have to join an LGBT community. No-one can tell you what your gender role is supposed to be or what your gender is even, ever.
Meeting other people who have LGBT lifestyles doesn't automatically make you a helpless victim of peer pressure. If that were true, wouldn't the same be true of mingling with "straight" people? Communicating with people involves more than just forcing your point of view on others.

Originally Posted by crukster View Post
It's just another area of feminism and what with gay rights there's not even supposed to be an issue unless you have a partner, rights exist to stop partners abusing each other, I'm sorry it doesn't exist to make me accept your choices in life. That said, I do accept anyway, it's just highly personal. I wouldn't want it to come up in common conversation.
How is it not an issue? There are still many states that outlaw all LGBT activity, deeming it as "Sodomy". And the fact that "straight" couples are able to enjoy the privileges of law-protected companionship, while non-traditional couples aren't, is just one example of how non-traditional couples are denied the same rights that others take for granted. There's also the fact that Homosexuals are routinely killed for fun in parts of the world (such as Africa and the Middle East).
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