Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
I was homeschooled all through elementary. 
Why does this not surprise me?
Pet_Sounds: Somehow makes it even less cool to listen to the Beatles.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan
I don't know, I find ladyislingering and Urban much more funnier than The Batlord. I even found Wpnfiber funny - once. Some people say he is the funnies member on Music Banter. An analogy would be like saying he's like a man who plays darts blindfolded and is the best dartest in the whole world if you only let him throw a dart a thousand times until he hits his mark. Of course if such a person could exist he would be known as The Bazlord.
And for one shining moment, when your emoticons, dad jokes, and Photoshops were still fresh, I actually thought you were the funniest member of this site. What happened?