Originally Posted by monkeytennis
Bruce Parry's series called Tribe sounds like something you'd like, he goes around all sorts of places seeing how the natives live day to day and joins their tribe, becoming one of them, places like the Amazon, Alaska, Africa... He's been all over. I know a few more but my memory has gone a bit blank as I watch a s hit load of this stuff.
Can recommend a couple films too... Grizzly Man is one. Timothy Treadwell is a proper strange bastard, it's not so much based around bushcraft as say Ray Mears and the like, this guy went to live in the wild with bears, few laugh out loud moments in it where he's having a go at the camera  But a gripping film all the same.
The 2007 film ' Into The Wild' is a must watch as well. I won't spoil it for you though.
Bear Grylls has got a documentary series called The Legion which you might like as well.
Yeah I just watched Into the Wild for the first time probably less than a month ago and instantly fell in love with it. Great soundtrack too. Haven't heard of Tribe but it sounds extremely interesting.
I'll definitely check out all that stuff. It's becoming my life fuel at the moment due to my sudden obsession with all things nature. I'd probably be out there right now dancing with bears if I didn't live in a desert and I wasn't deathly afraid of bugs. Gah...