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Old 01-24-2015, 12:47 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Sorry to hear about your loss Batlord. I actually went through the same thing a few years ago with an English teacher of mine. She passed away almost unexpectadly. She had told people close to her that she was sick, but she was a great teacher to those who had the honor of being in her class. She was probably the most important person of my senior year in high school, because without her, I wouldn't have been able to graduate. I wasn't failing or anything. There was this stupid test you used to have to take and if you passed, you pretty much meet one of the requirements to graduate on time. I unfortunately could never pass it, but she taught me certain things that allowed me to look at the test a bit differently, and with that, I ended up passing the test and graduating with my class on time. It still saddens me to this day that she's gone, because although I did thank her many times for her help, I never got to show her what i've done with my life. And that's sad.
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