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Old 01-22-2015, 10:02 AM   #301 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
It's not that you are heartless, or a dick bro. It's that you have this way about you that goes from inquistionial to accusatorial in like 0-60. And for me it gets old. You will never go back to being the person that you used to be, that's why your past is the past baby cause it's passed you by, feel me? All you can do is hope that you are becoming a better version of yourself. And learn that sometimes online well the meaning can get lost in the various texts and subtexts. I am certainly not saying handle people with kid gloves, but you gotta actually become friends with people (at least me) before you play 20 questions otherwise it becomes an interrogation, and when that happens nobody wants to play with you. Also sometimes your subject matter blows. I am not saying this to be a **** I am saying this to enlighten you.
i appreciate the honesty. let me be honest back. i think you get uneasy when i ask you pretty harmless questions after you bring up the topic in question. the only time i ever asked you anything that was overtly personal it was about the cult thing, and that was one of the few times you actually answered my question lol. i wasn't actually referring to you with my post above, tbh. though you have made me feel like a dick before but that was other times like when you said i was amoral in the politics thread or whatever.

as for my beastiality/tranny threads, i know you are too conservative for that sort of thing. but it's not necessarily intended for you. so i would suggest just not reading those threads if they make you uncomfortable.
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