Originally Posted by Plankton
If he is your real Father, he better have a damn good excuse for not being able to talk to you in that moment. I'll hold judgement until more is revealed though.
Good for you though for at least trying. I tracked my Dad down a couple of years ago, and it's been an enlightening experience to say the least.
I don't know. Maybe he was at work or something. He called me later and we had a long talk about... stuff. Nothing too emotional, since that's not really something I wanted to get into on the phone. But we're supposedly gonna meet up for lunch or something this weekend. We'll see what happens.
Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
Yeah, I reconnected with my birth mom when I was 18. It was so weird to see the same mannerisms and quirks that had seemed so uniquely my own coming from her.
Originally Posted by Plankton
That's a lot of the strange part, then there's the added factor that my daughter, her Grandfather, and myself all resemble each other. We do have a lot of fun though, and it's nice to see my Dad and my daughter deep into conversation. I just sit and smile at em.
...and cool that you two reconnected.
God I hope we don't look alike. He kinda looks like Gallagher.