I'm not going to start a fight in a thread about serious subject matter. But what I will say is that I am not buying that you don't love to get people riled up. Half of your posts are just goading, like:
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth
here's my basic stance. feel free to tear it apart, but you know i will probably have some **** to say back so yea. fair warning.
And i'm never going to forget that time that Unknown Soldier was trying to have a civil discussion with you, and you responded with this gem:
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth
you sound like you don't mind living under sharia. you should be deported to iraq.
Or how about just a few minutes ago, when you came into this very thread, where Roxy is talking about having to deal with a friend who is addicted to drugs, and all you had to say was:
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth
you sound high as **** roxy
Can you really blame me for thinking that you like to start fights?