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Old 01-14-2015, 07:46 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post

This I know, I have been dealing with this for a very long time, see we used to use together, he gave me my first does of LSD, and then we evenutally spiraled outta control, so there is already a codependant bond we have together, which I know is sick in it's own right, because I don't tolerate this **** from anyone except him. See the bitch of the situation was the end result of Death Wish Weekend was him saying to me get me to help, and he conned me (and I fell for it) into stopping so he could use the bathroom, I was 2 blocks away from the rehab. That is the bitch of it.

But see here is the real kicker, is the version of bath salts he was taking, (I've been educating myself this am, because I have never seen anything like this. ) makes you paranoid, delisuional, screaming in terror for no reason, completely black out, rage, depression, suicidal. But these side effects last 5-15 days, especially if you inject. He started doing this **** Friday, and he oded for the 4th time Monday. That to me screams hey ****in lock him up, either in jail, or the mental hospital I don't ****ing care which because see he couldn't have tied his own shoes without trying to eat the ****in laces man. So at what point do people say, hey man you are incapable of even deciding you want to live. We don't let mentally challenged folks make those decisions for themselves, and someone that wacked out shouldn't have ever been allowed leave a hospital 1 time let alone 3.
Maybe if he does something to attract the attention of the police and gets picked up and sent into a psych ward for evaluation, he might be able to get whatever help he needs (that actually happened to a friend of mine and luckily it worked.) Other than that, it doesn't look like there's much you can do beyond what you've already done.
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

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