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Old 01-09-2015, 12:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Default Post in the style of another member

Urban did this in his journal and it was pretty damn funny. Guess who this is?

"For seventy years now the tiny African country of Whogivesafuckstonia has been producing eyeball flute players of the highest calibre. An eyeball flute is a very ethnic instrument which is placed near the eye and played by the musician blinking. (Lots of large black-and-white photographs and a map of Africa) The greatest of these was M'barro Fingelthwine III, whose "Symphony for Eyeball Flute in G Major" was one of the defining works of the early WALL OF TEXT WALL OF TEXT WALL OF TEXT. More pictures.

Repeat until you have at least twelve long paragraphs, check back, no response, write another long diatribe. And another. Repeat.
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