My entire collection minus the albums not on RYM is on RYM
Most of the things I've rated is stuff I listened to. My favourite genre, and what I've listened to the most, is Punk.
Here is the albums I've listened rated recently:,ss.dd. Page 3, after skid row is where the date stops matching the date I listened to the album, since from there on I was just rating my whole library in about a week.
LastFM links:
Here's my LastFM Library If you click on the number of plays, it'll show what I have listened to. Sometimes it doesn't show an album for some odd reason though, but the tracks from that album do somehow appear under the albums.
Here's my charts:
Again, click the number of plays to see which albums. Here's recently listened albums:
Dates are not always accurate(just like the plays), but the latest ones usually are, unless I tried fixing the playcount of something I listened to a long time ago.