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Old 12-30-2014, 05:27 PM   #7603 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Hey, this is your argument here. It's not my job to find sources for you. And besides, i'm not even in opposition to your sentiments, so you can stop trying to convert me. I just like cracking jokes when people state things as if they're facts, while providing no sources, and then ask other people to check the facts for them.
lol i was on my phone so i was too lazy to do any googling at the time.

if you're trying to get me to admit that it's not a fact based on real reaserch then i'll happily do so. it's an assumption based on a couple of trends i've noticed. one trend would be that every forum i've been a part of has faded over the years. another trend would be that when i go to type it in google i see that a bunch of other people have already typed the same question in google. and then google's results give me a bunch of different people talking about the same thing. i mean i'm not writing a research paper about it or whatever so i don't think to cite sources in a normal conversation.
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