Originally Posted by Blarobbarg
I really like a good majority of the people on this site, but I truly think that Trollheart is the single most important member of the board, in the sense that the dude does more every day to keep this place alive than most of us do in weeks. I disagree with almost every one of his musical opinions and think most of what he listens to is dreadful, but seriously, this place would go dead were it not for his relentless passion, kindness, intelligence, and wit. Never leave, man.
Wow! What an amazing endorsement. Thanks man! That will get me through some of the harder days for sure. You're a hell of a guy, you know that? I may be doing all I can to keep this place going, in my small way, but remember you're the one who went to teach kids in Nicaragua. Can't touch that.
But really, thanks. It means so much.