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Old 12-10-2005, 10:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
You are not worth arguing with but I will do it anyway.
Your example of Jam Master Jay getting shot in the head.
I guess your forgetting that John Lennon was shot four times.
Your precious John Bonham drank himself to death.
Jimi Hendrix overdosed on sleeping pills.
Hmm....murder, drugs, drugs....sorta sounds like the lyrics to one of your **** example rap songs, except...this all pertains to rock music.

Once again, how can you say there is no good rap song. You haven't heard 1/4 of the rap that is made.. Ther eis good rap but your ignorace prevents you from listening to it. And, you know what, I hope you get banned as well. I mean...If talking to us is lowering your IQ, we wouldnt want you have it drop any lower than it was in the first place.

Then, your point about rap being hipocritical because they don't really live the hard life. Well, some of them probably didn't. But what about the majority that did. What about the origins of rap being in the ghettos of New York and California. You use **** examples to convey your useless ignorant point.
Originally Posted by Kashmir86
wow thats a great argument you should be proud of yourself, its ok, people ususally get offended when i prove that rap sucks

Originally Posted by Kashmir86
go ahead and post some of those great lyrics by kanye west though, id like to see them. the only song i heard by him said get em high at least 40 times, while bragging about himself the rest of the time

^I find this one particularly entertaining because his Oh So Precious Bob Dylan has a song in which he repeatedly says "everybody must get stoned"

That is all for now
He is an ignorant, immature, narrowminded hipocrit

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