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Old 12-28-2014, 09:58 PM   #2 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
You still haven't given a good reason why the whole argument couldn't have been taken to PMs.

I'm perfctly willing to speak and hear opinion. As I've said before, I think this thread is great because it allows people to voice their thoughts on others without getting called out. If others want to take an issue with those thoughts, it should happen via PM.

This is absolutely something worth convening about. Obviously, some people aren't happy with the way this place is being run.
Wow. You take my utilization of this thread as "how this place is being run". You wanna dial it back a bit? If you or anyone else has a problem with mods using this thread to be honest, negatively, let's start a vote. Please. Satisfy my knowledge that you already know how hypocritical that would be. Easier solution? Delete the thread. Problem solved. You guys can tell each other how much you love them all day every day in every thread. Not against the rules. I'm totally down for that. Say the word.

Or... you can vote for mods not being able to use the SYG thread. That's another solution so that you can still use it to congratulate people and be completely fake. Up to you. Your choice.
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