Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
Why not? Ki and I both expressed a valid concern that such an argument between mods of the forum might be offputting to potential members.
I think this is a great thread for people to say what they really think about others here and not get called out for it. I don't think this is a great thread for drawn out ****storms that have absolutely no positive contributions to this place.
I'm getting kinda sick of having to reiterate this endlessly without receiving a response.
EDIT: Never mind.
Fortunately it doesn't happen often. I'd say the percentage of time that users are all here in this thread not talking about music is both miniscule compared to the average, and also completely avoidable. You being here now is kind of a nail in your own coffin.
Over the years, I've seen this thread behave a certain kind of way. Most times, it's people giving praise to others. Every once in a while, someone comes in here and says something someone else doesn't like. That's when the sh*t storm starts. I have demonstrated that myself on multiple occasions. The truth of the matter is that people view this thread as a self-congratulatory depot. Everyone wants to be praised, and everyone wants to be praised for praising. It's not what this thread is meant for, albeit the tendency of human nature even on the internet.
When there are moments of people having a negative opinion, that's when this thread actually becomes valuable. Most people don't know it because they can't see past their own ego. I pity them, but I understand. It's just unfortunate, is all.
I say all that to say, if you're not here to speak or hear opinion, uh, stay out of the thread. This is not something worth convening a consortium over.