You wanna stop acting like a patronizing twat for a second? Seriously, no one needs that. Much like your can-do-no-wrong attitude, it's not helping your argument and speaks less of you than it does me. It doesn't matter how you meant it. The fact is it's an offensive term and you seem to think it's okay to use anyways simply because you don't mean it in a harmful way. Granted, you apparently didn't know that at the time but you don't seem to care, as evidenced in:
Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
Opinion noted. And I will take into consideration that such a term is offensive. When I'm not posting in this thread.
@JWB: I actually know a few transgendered people who went into the porno business thinking it was something other than what it wound up being for them and who had very, very, very negative experience(s). Not to say that there isn't pornography staring trans people that isn't extremely shady but from what I've been made to understand the vast majority of it is seedy at best.
Edit: I misread the quote, FD. My bad. Though I would still consider the term and your attitude thus far beneath you regardless of your intentions. Also, I had a point behind that tidbit about trans porn but I forgot what it was while writing the background info. I'll come back to it if it seems relevant.