In order to stop spamming up all the other threads.
Me and bungalowbill decided to put our arguement with him all in one thread.
So (please dont close this were trying to keep the classic rock thread clean).
Originally Posted by Kashmir86
their just being immature and trying to convince me that classic rock sucks and modern rock is better, which they will never succeed at being that i used to think the same until i opened my mind and took down the musical barriers that had me locked into that mindset..
Lol do you love being a hypocrite?
You opened your mind?
and yet you still make such statements as "all rap sucks".
Your really a piece of work ya know that?
and the fact you turn around call everyone else ignorant when you yourself say all rap sucks and generlize it all one 50 cent songs is stupid.
We did the same thing with the doors and all the sudden we're ignorant?
That'd make you ignorant too!
take it away bungalowbill.